Ky. P.A.S.T. Parnormal Active Scientific Team


Ghost Stop
Dell PC's and Laptops (Tech. Sponsorship)
Kroger's (Supply discounts)
Canon Digital Camera's
SONY Camcorders w/nightshot (Partial Sponsorship)
Coby Electronics
Olympus Digital Audio Recorders (Discount Sponsorship)
Zoom Audio/Video Recorders (ongoing Sponsor)
Sony IR cctv's (Current contract)
NightOwl IR cctv's
Security1 IR cctv's
Ramsey Electronics (Contract)
FORD Motor Company (Discount deal)
Speedway Gasoline (Contract deal)
Wolf Creek Crafts (Cleansing Supplies)
Lone Wolf Paranormal Inventions (Life time Contract)
Boss Audio Mixer (Podcasts)
Husqvarna (Equipment to clean up sites)
Feather Lite Trailers
Flir (updating)
RCS home repairs
PAST Family Network
John Robertson Plumbing
More to list in the future.....